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Self Love Series: Believe


One of the greatest acts of self love is believing in yourself. Sometimes this is so easy and sometimes it's not. The most profound and simple reason to believe in yourself is because it feels so good when you do and so terribly bad when you do not.

The pain and heavy, doubtful, anxious emotions people feel when they don't believe in themselves, their value, their gifts, plans, dreams and desires can be debilitating. This blocks the unique beauty they hold within them that could potentially benefit them and so many others.

Many people do not realize they are able impact how confident they feel and how much they believe in themselves. However,

there many things you can do to build

self-esteem, self-confidence, and empower yourself to believe in your potential.

An important starting point for feeling more in your power is paying attention to when you don't feel in full force. Often this is when we are just tired, overworked, feeling anxious, or vulnerable about an outside situation that isn't even directly about us. This is another reason why self-care is SO important. In my work as a retreat leader, Holistic Health Practitioner, and Clinical Hypnotherapist focusing in life coaching I continually see a solid foundation of well-being as a key to overall good health, consciousness expansion, manifestation, and enjoyment of life.

When you have a solid foundation of well-being you can more easliy build your self-esteem and self-confidence muscles. There are so many different tools such as meditations, visualiztions, affirmations, hypnotherapy, journaling and mind -body techniques that help us empower ourselves in all aspects of life. When you look at believeing in yourself as a choice and practice you can learn to step into this confident energy more freely.

Some people say you have to believe in yourself because no one else will; but personally I dont agree. I think we all work together in this Universe in ways we are not always aware of and sometimes we are inspired by others that see our potential and their belief helps spark our own flame and helps us see our own value. Either way once lit allowing the full realization of our being to unfold and manifest in this world is our own process and the more we confidently move in our full power and unique magnificence the better we feel and the more beauty and good we create in the world.

If you could use a boost to your self-love and self-confidence or need a better foundation for well being and inner peace check out our Feel Your Flow: Get Unstuck, Love Yourself, and Recreate Your Life retreat as well as other awesome resources available for you in the links below.


Photo credit: Katherine Minot

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